Fighting Jet lag…

July 27th, 2016

Jet lag is rough. With kids it can be brutal. I don’t think anyone is exempt from the crazy ways it can whack out your internal clock. However, I think adults can fight it more strategically than young kids. Though our boys are truly awesome travelers, jet lag hits them hard for days on end. I’ve read that every hour of time difference translates to a day of adjustment for kids. Eight hours = eight days. We have experienced the truth in this. And when our kids are awake at O’dark hundred, so are we. I almost yawn just thinking about it!

We had a sweet reunion with Hubby at the airport. It felt so good to be back together again as a family! As we caught up on the drive home, the boys drifted off to sleep. Their bodies were telling them it was nighttime. Oh dear…


When we got home, we woke them up. We knew we needed to TRY to keep them up until it was night and that would not be easy with two little sleepy heads. So, we headed outside!

Hubby showed us the cherry tree in our backyard that had a TON of cherries on it. We didn’t even know we had a cherry tree! We started picking and picking and picking. A good distraction for a while.

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Even Adi came out to join us!


We picked a whole bowl full of cherries!


We also took a walk around the village. It was a beautiful day. So many flowers were in bloom!


It felt good to be back in our familiars. I felt a sense of home. We also managed to keep the boys up for hours. A small success!


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